Best Penis Extenders

Picture of Andy Carnell

Andy Carnell

As a man, I know what it is like to have confidence issues with an average size penis.

We have heard for many years how size matters. Now even when we are told it isn’t the size that matters it makes us feel even more inadequate because we know this is just a way for us to feel better.

When I decided to do something about my size, this is where I was at. I looked into many options researching different products on the market that would help extend my penis size. I read over pills, sheaths, pumps, and penis extenders that would give me the best results.

One of the best options I found were penis extenders. Each extender is a little different for various reasons which I will talk about as we get to them.

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Top Pick

Size Genetics is highly regarded as an efficient and comfortable penis extender.

What is a Penis Extender?

Penis extenders are worn over some time and if worn correctly for the proper amount of time, it will extend the size of your manhood.

These extenders are all around the same with a basic structure. There are two circular pieces one sets against the base of our shaft, this piece being the basal ring, which contours to our body.

The other ring sits below the glans which is another contoured rubber strap. These two rings are connected by two bars that have traction and sits on each side of the shaft.

These bars are what have the stretching mechanism for the penis extending to work.

The device fits a penis from one to eight inches in length.


Size Genetics




JES Extender Pro




Quick Extender Pro Deluxe



Penis Extenders Ranked

How does a penis extender work?

In order to use a penis extender properly, the penis has to be flaccid or at least under 20% hard.

The basal ring slips on and is pushed to the pelvis area as well as it can be. Then the bars are placed into the points on the base ring, one on each side of the shaft.

The bars attach to a piece that supports the penis and has two holes in it. The two holes are where a silicone tube passes through; this silicone tube goes around the glans area and will help create the ability for traction to be used properly. The device should only be set to 1 cm longer than the penis is when fully flaccid and outstretched.

To be clear the device should be fully put together before putting it on for use, the only thing you should need to do is tighten the area where the tubing is below the glans.

Each device is made a little different and come with different parts that can help with comfort.

Once it is on is that it is stretched at 1cm more than the flaccid length, over time the skin gets used to being pulled and grows into the stretched area, allowing for it to be stretched more yet again.

You can’t be erect when using the traction device as it is harder to stretch something that is solid and has no room to be pulled. This is why it takes more than just a week or a month to actually work. This is also why it is so important to make a routine and regular use for wearing it.

1: Size Genetics

Size genetics has to be my number one choice in penis extenders. It was not my first choice, but it was up there on the list when I made my first purchase. As this is the product I am using now and the best penis extender I have used thus far I am putting it at the top of my list.

Size genetics is one of the top penis extenders on the market today being that it is one of the most efficient. This system has a 58 way comfort kit, made from medical grade materials that are durable and meant to bring us maximum comfort.

The material used for size genetics has been clinically test for maximum safety and effectiveness, as well as proving when worn correctly there is no irritation. Individuals may see different results that vary depending on personal expectations as well as differences. Most users can enjoy average gains in length of up to 2.1 inches and gains in average girth size of .7 inches.



2: JES Extender Pro

JES Extender was one of the first extenders on the market introduced in 1995 and made in Denmark. JES Extender was created by a team of doctors and specialist, and is popular for being crafted by hand of the highest quality.

The materials were designed to be allergen free and can be used for men from size 2cm-22cm in length. The device can be worn for intervals of 5-6 hours with results.

What had me sold to buy this product was that it had over 500,000 units sold in over 50 countries.



#3: Quick Extender Pro Deluxe

The Quick Extender Pro Deluxe is a system that comes with a solid device that extends to 12 inches with a full money back guarantee. It comes with the blue device, comfort pads and silicone straps, instructional DVD, measuring tape, white case, cloth carry bag as well as a supply of promotional male enhancement supplements.

This extender has a few different packages to choose from however I went with the deluxe package because I wanted more accessories for comfort. The brand is known for quality and comfort as they have made adjustments over the years to the design of the based and have upped the tension springs to go as high as 4000g with the deluxe edition.



#4: Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte penis extension offers a lot for their extenders from vacuum cups, sleeve condom, to tension clips. The company has been around for 14 years leading on the market of vacuum technique with orthopedic elongation systems.  The system offers more than extending the size in length and girth of the shaft but also growing the glans size with the vacuum system. Users wear the vacuum system anywhere between 5 and ten hours per day 5-6 days per week. Growth can be seen at 3 months with increased growth again at 6 months.

The Phallosan Forte can be worn at night as the technology behind the system supports adjustments to possible erection that occur as we sleep. It does not implicate blood circulation and offers no risk of injury.



The science behind extenders

Although our penis is not a muscle, it does share quite a few things in common with muscle. When the penis is flaccid (soft), it is spongier in the way it feels, this is because it is made up of three columns of tissue.

Two of these columns are the corpora cavernosa and the third being the corpus spongiosum which keeps the urethra open when we have an erection.

When we have an erection, it is because our blood vessels become engorged making us harder and longer. All the blood vessels that fill with blood are in the corpora cavernosa. The only muscle we have here is the external sphincter muscle which is at the base and helps with ejaculation as well as controlling the flow of urine.

Now the science behind extenders works by stretching our penis with the idea of muscles in mind. However, this isn’t the case; it does work the same way that muscle building does to an extent. We are not building our muscle as there is none; we are stretching the tissue and causing tears. These are such tiny tears and happen over such a prolonged period we cannot feel these.

Here is a scenario to think about and show how it works a bit more. A muscle builder in weight training is lifting heavy weights. He does this with heavier weights pushing himself further each time, and as he pushes himself, he is stretching the tissue and training the muscles he is using as he lifts.

As he lifts heavier weights he is causing small microscopic tears and cell duplication occurs along the muscle. When he is done training his body starts to heal these muscles and over time they become larger and firmer because of more cells and healing torn tissues.

This means that it holds more blood and needs more blood in the area as it gets bigger.

Penis extenders work similarly, it allows for stretching along the corpora cavernosa. The stretching is gentle and constant as we wear the extender.

The gentle and painless stretching with extenders causes the cells inside the tissue of the corpora cavernosa to pull away and split. This is the same method as the weight lifter building his muscles.

During the healing process which starts as soon as you take the extender off, the cells heal creating healthy new cells in the area that has been stretched. This fills the stretched tissue area allowing our penis to become larger.

Having more cells in the corpora cavernosa allows for the penis to hold more blood when it is erect.

This is what creates the ability to have bigger and harder erections. We take our time allowing the stretching to happen at a slow pace wearing the extender for long periods of time at each time for days over a size over six months. You start out stretching it only 1cm while soft so this is showing that you are going to go slow, you can’t force it to go fast and have to follow the directions on whatever device you use. This is for your safety as well as comfort.

The higher the traction an extender has, the quicker we can get results and have bigger results than some products. However some extenders offer a maximum of 4000g of tension with traction, if you are like me this can be quite a scare.

You don’t want to go too fast with stretching as many products even warn pushing your body to quickly with these higher tensions to fast can cause damage rather than the results we are wanting.