52 Shocking Orgasm Statistics for Men & Women

Picture of Andy Carnell

Andy Carnell

Want to learn about orgasm frequency, the causes, and the factors influencing them? 

We’ve compiled a list of 58 fascinating and insightful orgasm statistics from various academic research studies. Our aim is to present this information in a clear and approachable way, ensuring you gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of orgasmic experiences.

Top Shocking Orgasm Statistics

Here are some of the most intriguing orgasm statistics that set the stage for our exploration:

These statistics highlight some significant trends and differences in orgasmic experiences, providing a foundation for deeper exploration into specific categories and influencing factors.

Comparing Orgasms by Gender

The frequency of orgasms varies significantly across different genders and sexual orientations. These differences reveal important insights into sexual experiences and highlight areas where gaps exist. 

Here are some key statistics:

Men vs. Women: The Big Difference
  1. About 95% of heterosexual men usually or always reach orgasm during partnered sex. In contrast, only 65% of heterosexual women can say the same. This significant difference is often referred to as the “orgasm gap.” [1]
Clitoral Orgasms
  1. 18.4% of women reported that intercourse alone was sufficient for orgasm. 36.6% needed clitoral stimulation for orgasm during intercourse. [2]
  2. An additional 36% indicated that clitoral stimulation enhances their orgasms. [2]
Vaginal Orgasms
  1. Women experience orgasm 62% of the time during sex. [2]
  2. Lesbian women have a higher orgasm rate (74.7%) compared to heterosexual women (61.6%) and bisexual women (58.0%) [2]
  3. Only about 18.4% of women can orgasm from vaginal intercourse without additional clitoral stimulation [3]
Blended Orgasms
  1. Some women experience blended orgasms, which combine clitoral and vaginal stimulation. These can be particularly intense and satisfying, though exact statistics on their prevalence are harder to pin down.
Male Orgasms
  1. Men experienced orgasm 85.1% of the time, with similar rates across sexual orientations [2]

Relationship Status and Orgasm Frequency

The nature of one’s relationship can significantly influence the likelihood of reaching orgasm. Whether it’s a long-term partnership or a casual hookup, familiarity and emotional connection play vital roles. Here are some revealing statistics:
Long-term Relationships and Orgasm Likelihood
  1. Only 11% of women had orgasms during first-time hookups, compared to 67% in relationships. [4]
Emotional Connection and Sexual Satisfaction
  1. Emotional closeness and trust, often more developed in long-term relationships, contribute significantly to the frequency and quality of orgasms. [5]

Multiple Orgasms

Experiencing multiple orgasms is a topic that often fascinates and intrigues. While it is more commonly discussed in relation to women, men can experience multiple orgasms as well. Here are some insightful statistics and information about multiple orgasms.
Prevalence of Multiple Orgasms in Women
  1. Approximately 43% of women have reported experiencing multiple orgasms during a single sexual encounter. [6]
Cannabis and Multiple Orgasms
  1. Cannabis use has been linked to an increased ability to experience multiple orgasms.
  2. One study found that 52.8% of women who used marijuana before sex reported an increase in satisfying orgasms. [7]
  3. Marijuana has been linked to increases in sex drive (60.6%) [7]
  4. Over 70% reported that cannabis slightly or significantly increased orgasm intensity. [10]
Multiple Orgasms in Men
  1. Less than 10% of men in their 20s report being able to experience multiple orgasms. This percentage decreases with age, with less than 7% of men over 30 reporting multiple orgasms. [8]
Multiple Orgasms in Women
  1. Approximately 43% of women have experienced multiple orgasms during a single sexual encounter. This ability is influenced by various factors, including sexual technique, emotional state, and physical health.
Techniques for Achieving Multiple Orgasms
  1. Clitoral stimulation for women and “start-stop” technique for men can boost the likelihood of multiple orgasms.

Sex Toys and Orgasms

The use of sex toys can also facilitate multiple orgasms. Vibrators, in particular, are effective in helping women achieve multiple orgasms.

  1. Women who used vibrators scored higher on the orgasm domain of the Female Sexual Function Index. [15]
  2. Roughly 82% of American women own at least one sex toy. 74% of males in the same study admitted to owning a sex toy. [9]

Psychological Factors

  1. Chronic stress reduces genital arousal, essential for multiple orgasms. [15]

These insights into multiple orgasms highlight the interplay of physical, psychological, and relational factors that contribute to these experiences. Whether through techniques, toys, or the influence of substances like cannabis, multiple orgasms are a fascinating aspect of human sexuality.

Fake Orgasms

Here are some key statistics and insights about fake orgasms:
Prevalence of Fake Orgasms in Women
  1. Approximately 50% of women have faked an orgasm at some point in their lives. [12]
Prevalence of Fake Orgasms in Men
  1. About 25% of men have also reported faking an orgasm. [13]
Reasons for Faking Orgasms
  1. 78% of women faked an orgasm to avoid conflict or spare their partner’s feelings. [16]
  2. 47% of women faked an orgasm to please their partner. [16]

Women’s Orgasms During Different Sexual Activities

Orgasms can vary significantly based on the type of sexual activity. Women often require different forms of stimulation to achieve orgasm, and understanding these preferences can enhance sexual satisfaction. Here are some key statistics and insights about women’s orgasms during various sexual activities:
Vaginal Intercourse Alone
  1. In one study, 18.4% reported that vaginal penetration alone was sufficient for orgasm. [2]
Combined Vaginal and Clitoral Stimulation
  1. 39% believed that clitoral stimulation during intercourse helped improve orgasm quality. [2]
Oral Sex
  1. 60% of women who received oral sex most of the time during sexual activity reported usually achieving orgasm during intercourse. [17]

Among women who very often lacked sexual desire, receiving oral sex from their partners increased their likelihood of having an orgasm during their latest intercourse from around 20% to 50%. [17]

Prevalence of Anal Pleasure
  1. 43.5% of women reported experiencing pleasure with some form of anal touch. [18]
  2. 16.7% specifically mentioned that anal touch makes it easier for them to have an orgasm during other kinds of sexual touch (like vaginal sex or clitoral touching). [18]
  1. 92.4% of women reporting that they can orgasm from masturbation.

Marijuana and Orgasm

The relationship between marijuana use and sexual experiences, including orgasms, has been a topic of growing interest and research. Here are some key statistics and insights on how cannabis affects orgasms:

Increased Intensity of Orgasms
  1. Over 70% of both men and women report that their orgasms are more intense when using cannabis. [19]
Satisfactory Orgasms in Women
  1. Women who use cannabis before sex are 2.13 times more likely to report satisfactory orgasms. [19]
Regular Cannabis Use and Orgasm Quality
  1. Frequent cannabis use makes women 2.10 times more likely to have satisfactory orgasms, even without using it before sex. [19]
The Impact on Men
  1. For men, daily cannabis use is linked to reaching orgasm too quickly, slowly, or sometimes not at all, compared to non-users. [19]
Women and Sex Frequency
  1. Over 70% of participants reported increased desire. [19]

Time to Orgasm

Orgasm and the Prostate

Understanding the timing and duration of orgasms can provide deeper insights into sexual experiences and satisfaction. These factors can vary widely between individuals and across different types of sexual activities. Here are some key statistics and insights:

Average Time to Orgasm for Women
  1. Women, on average, take about 14 minutes to reach orgasm during partnered sex [20]
  2. Women on average, take about 8 minutes to orgasm during masturbation [20]
Average Time to Orgasm for Men
  1. On average, men take about 5.4 minutes to reach orgasm during partnered sexual activities [20]
Premature Ejaculation
  1. Approximately 30% of men experience premature ejaculation at some point, defined as reaching orgasm sooner than desired during sexual activity [21]
Duration of Orgasm
  1. Men’s orgasms typically last between 10 to 30 seconds.
  2. Women’s orgasms last beterrn 30 to 60 seconds.

The Prostate and Orgasms

The prostate gland, often referred to as the “male G-spot,” can play a significant role in male sexual pleasure. Prostate stimulation can lead to intense orgasms and has implications for overall sexual health.  Here are some key statistics and insights about the prostate and its connection to orgasm:
Prostate-Induced Orgasms
  1. Regular ejaculation, including through prostate stimulation, has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
Prostate Massage Devices
  1. Prostate massagers are increasingly popular, enhancing sexual pleasure and leading to stronger orgasms

Antidepressants and Orgasm

Antidepressants are commonly prescribed for treating depression and other mental health conditions.

However, they can have significant effects on sexual function, including orgasm. Here are some key statistics and insights about the impact of antidepressants on orgasms.

Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction
  1. Up to 70% of antidepressant users report sexual dysfunction, including orgasm difficulties.
SSRIs and Orgasm Difficulty
  1. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly reported antidepressants associated with orgasm difficulties
  2. About 60% of users experience delayed or absent orgasms
  3. Women are more likely to report difficulties with orgasm than men when taking antidepressants
  4. Approximately 72% of women vs. 54% of men experience such side effects
SSRIs and Delayed Orgasm in Men
  1. About 50-60% of men on SSRIs experience delayed ejaculation

Orgasm and Parenthood

Parenthood brings about significant changes in many aspects of life, including sexual health and satisfaction. The arrival of children can impact the frequency and quality of orgasms for both parents due to a variety of physical, emotional, and practical factors.  Here are some key statistics and insights about orgasms and parenthood.
Decline in Sexual Frequency
  1. About 67% of couples reporting less frequent sex after the birth of a child.
  2. Approximately 58% of new mothers and 36% of new fathers experience a decrease in sexual desire
Impact on Orgasm Frequency
  1. Around 45% of new mothers report difficulty achieving orgasm postpartum
  2. Approximately 50% of women experience perineal pain or discomfort that interferes with sexual activity in the first three months postpartum.